Our Vision

The NCG’s vision is for people to understand and appreciate the natural, cultural and built heritage that contributes to the sense of place of the Nepean Peninsula, in order to protect and conserve the amenity and enhance the character of the Nepean Peninsula.


To lead and inspire the community to appreciate, recognise, conserve, protect and celebrate the natural, cultural and built heritage of the Nepean Peninsula.


Advocate for the conservation of our natural, cultural and built heritage by engaging with the community and government

Foster conservation of the vegetation, wildlife, natural attributes and historic features of the area

Conserve, protect and enhance our natural, cultural and built heritage by championing and supporting exemplary conservation policy and practice

Maintain the character and amenity of the Nepean Peninsula by ensuring new developments are in harmony with the character of our area

Educate and engage the community in discourse about our natural, cultural and built heritage and its contribution to our sense of place and belonging


Independent – operate without fear or favour

Trustworthy – to be open and transparent in our work on behalf of the community which we serve

Inspirational – awaken awareness and garner inter-generational support: conservation is our bridge to the future


To be an innovative, effective and respected conservation group

To fulfill our obligations with diligence and determination

To remain a strong independent voice for conservation on the Nepean Peninsula